Saturday, January 19, 2008

Valentines Day Gift For Mom

You either love Valentine's Day, hate it or tolerate it to keep the peace and make that special girl in your life feel, well, special. Of course you don't have to wait until V-Day to express your love or appreciation.…

Pajamagram Valentines Day

The 14th of February, that special and romantic day dedicated to lovers and those who are in love. Flowers, cards and romantic gestures are given and received and the world becomes a wool place of hearts, bunnies…

Valentines Diamond Center

Ah, Valentine's Day. A day to shower your loved one with gifts of flowers, chocolates and teddy bears in order to let them know how much you love them. A day of hugs, kisses and romance. Who could ask for more in…

Valentines Day Gift For Girlfriend

The story of Valentine's Day is one in which fact and legend are intertwined â�;�" just like blind dates. Beginning in the 4th century B.C., the rites of passage of young men to the pagan god Lupercus were celebrated…

WGA Strike Hits TV

The WGA strike has resulted in a drop in TV viewing and a big increase in people watching DVDs and video games.

Every ice skating rink in London

A guide to London's ice skating rinks. Here's where you go for a session on the ice.

The Summer of VanTorre

Sometimes I can't help myself. I've got to post the weirdest show imaginable. Such a case is The Summer of VanTorre. I'm not sure whether to laugh or just wonder... What does it take to make comedy?######The Summer…

Raines, Watch Raines Online, Free Episodes

Detective Michael Raines is the star of Raines, which is yet another NBC style detective show. We can watch full episodes of Raines online via NBC's replay tv.######Raines##A detective is able to use his imagination…

Vermont Teddy Bear Valentines Day

Nobody likes to be on their own on Valentines Day. It is one of the days in the calendar that people are reminded to love and cherish one another. Some people may choose to be on their own and others may not have…

Watch Star Trek Online Original Series, Joost

For those of you who love Star Trek, now you can watch the Star Trek Online, the entire original series on Joost. Though this works for those in the USA only, anyone can enjoy the original programming of Joost.

Blu-Ray makes gains in DVD war - Technology BB

Looks like BluRay is killing HD DVD's

Top 5 American Idol Auditions Of Week 1

A weekly feature on will be my Top 5 performances of the week, usually posted on Thursdays. Because this week was comprised of Season 7's first two audition sites, I thought I'd start by explaining…

Watch TV On Your Computer FREE

Watch TV On Your Computer FREE - "Who Else Wants To View Thousands Of TV Stations, Radio Stations And Videos From Hundreds Of Countries, In Many Different Languages All With The Click Of A Button?" Watch 1000's…

The Hills Finally Telling The Truth!

The show airing in the UK has an interesting disclaimer...

Armoires can't hold latest in TV fashion - Marketplace

Marketplace Armoires can't hold latest in TV fashion Marketplace, CA - 4 minutes ago Or it was until the flat screen TV came along. Mary-Rose Abraham reports on how hotels are thinking out of the big, wooden…

TV-PC convergence is coming fast - Marketplace

Marketplace TV -PC convergence is coming fast Marketplace, CA - Dec 25, 2007 Maybe you got that flat - screen TV you've been coveting? The makers of those devices have been coveting your business. Today…

Smallvile Season 07 Episode 06 Lara

Smallville drama series back in new episode. In this episode 6 (Lara) in the process of trying to get the crystal back, Kara is captured and sedated with a kryptonite serum; Clark follows and tries to release her,…

Smallvile Season 07 Episode 07 Wrath

Lana absorbs Clark's powers and uses them to go after Lex, first trying to expose his secrets in the Daily Planet, then moving on to a more personal level.

Smallville Season 07 Episode 08 Blue

In this episode 8 of smallville what happen is Clark hears the voice of her biological mother, Lara (Helen Slater), calling for help from within the crystal, Kara, and hereby release it, despite the warnings of…

A Most Proper Marriage: Jane Austen and PBS

Like the current fad for Chinoiserie or fatty meats or big-patterned wallpaper, Masterpiece Theater's presentation of "The Complete Jane Austen," a seven-part series in full swing on PBS, feels like something that…

Antique Valentine Cards

Valentine is a great holiday for a party, but now you need to find Valentine decorations for your party. It matters what you want you're party to be like. Starting with your invites, you can go a little different…

Price for HDTVs continue to drop Models, brands proliferate…

Price for HDTVs continue to drop Models, brands proliferate as ... Alameda Times-Star, CA - Dec 24, 2007 By Troy Wolverton, MEDIANEWS STAFF If you've been thinking about buying a new high-definition flat -…

Writers' Strike: Four Burning Questions

"Once the strike ends, how long will it take for TV shows to start production again? Let's say the strike is settled on Feb. 1, Comedies like The Office would be able to churn out around five installments, according…

Keith Olbermann Does The Impossible: Admits He Was Wrong

Keith Olbermann made a big boo-boo on MSNBC last night. When he learned of it, he had a deeply bizarre, almost-unheard-of reaction: He admitted he was wrong and apologized.

Veteran TV Actor Allan Melvin Dies In L.A

Allan Melvin, a character actor known for appearances in such TV staples as "The Phil Silvers Show," "All in the Family" and "The Brady Bunch," has died, the Los Angeles Times reported on Saturday.